Get Entries
Get the entries for a particular Form for a Project, mapped using either your custom mapping or the EC5 AUTO mapping. If the project is private, an access_token
must be provided (See: API Authentication).
We assume the base domain to be
GET /api/export/entries/{project_slug}?{key=value&key=value...}
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
project_slug | yes, as url segment | The slugified project name. |
form_ref | no | The ref used to identify a form. If this is not supplied, the first form form_ref will be used by default. |
uuid | no | The unique identifier for a particular entry. |
parent_form_ref | no | The form ref of a child form's parent. |
parent_uuid | no | The uuid of a child entry's parent. |
map_index | no | The integer index of the particular mapping you want the data to be mapped against. The default mapping is used if none is supplied. |
per_page | no | The number of entries to show per page. (integer, max 1000). Default is 50. |
page | no | The current page. (integer) |
sort_by | no | The column on which to sort. |
sort_order | no | The sort order for the entries: ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
filter_by | no | The column on which to filter. |
filter_from | no | The value to filter from. |
filter_to | no | The value to filter to. |
format | no | Get the data in csv format |
headers | no | Whether you need the csv headers. |
title | no | A title to filter on (What is a title?) |
Further Descriptions
The project_slug is slugified version of the project name. Any spaces in the project name are replaced by a hyphen "-" to make it url safe. To retrieve it, check the Developers section on your project details page. From the same page you can download the full project definition in JSON format. It is used as a segment in the request url.
The form_ref is a unique identifier assigned to each form. To retrieve it, check the Developers section on your project details page. From the same page you can download the full project definition in JSON format.
The uuid is a unique identifier for an entry. To retrieve a uuid, check the id
or entry_uuid
attribute of an entry object.
The parent_form_ref is the form ref of a parent form to which a child form is related. To retrieve it, check the Developers section on your project details page. From the same page you can download the full project definition in JSON format.
The parent_uuid is a unique identifier for an entry to which a child or children entries are related. For example, if I have a University form entry "Imperial College", it may have 0, 1 or more Department form entries related to it, such as "DIDE", "Biology" etc and each of these child form entries will be related back to the parent entry via the parent_uuid.
To retrieve this, check the parent
attribute of an entry object.
Accepted values are csv
or json
. The default, if none is supplied, is json
Whether to include headers when the format is csv
. Accepted values are true
or false
. The default, if none is supplied, is true
You can currently sort by the columns created_at
and uploaded_at
by "ASC" (ascending) or "DESC" (descending) order.
You can currently filter by the columns created_at
and uploaded_at
You may choose a DATE value (in ISO 8601 format, like 2022-01-26T00:00:00.000) on which to filter: "filter_from
" (all the entries from a value), "filter_to
" (all the values to a value) or "filter_from
" and "filter_to
" (all the entries between two values).
You can filter entries by their titles passing a search string.
Last updated